Some Videos
The Stroll Patrol
This is a group that gets together every November for the holiday stroll that occurs every year in our hometown. We're usually home from college for turkey day, so we run a few tunes and head out into the cold. Yeah, about that... It's fucking cold. I don't know how many of you reading this (if any actually are) have played outside in the snow, but let me tell you... it fucking blows. Historically, we've gotten about a 3-4 hour slot to play in front of a little mom and pop store (which is awesome), but it's really cold. After maybe a song or two, your fingers will either go numb or be warmed up enough that it's manageable. Anyhow, here are a few clips I have of us playing.
Me - Guitar
Sean Morris - Bass
Andrew Cote - Drums
Ideofunk (Scofield)
P.S. apparently I can only upload one video per post so I'll continue this chain of videos in multiple posts.